Jual Surge Protector BSP001 bekasi

• BNC male to BNC female, Hi Frequency for both CCTV and CATV use
• Surge Protect ion At tack Time: 1 ns
- Maximum Surge Cur rent : 4 KV
- Surge Li fe: 300 surges of 100Amps
• Normal Resistance Acros s Coax: 10, 000 M£ [
- Surge ResistanceApprox: 0£ [
• Power Passing Capabi l i t y 130V AC/ DC, 65 Vrms at 10Amps
- Inser t ion Loss: Less than 0.2 dB
- Return Loss ( 75 ohms) : 16dB
• Return Loss ( 75 ohms) : 16dB
- WEIGHT: 80g

• Per forms a di f ferent funct ion than grounding requi rements.
• Protects equipment f rom high vol tage surges f rom nearby l ightning st r ikes.
• Two stage protect ion: under 1ns-90V, over 10ns-12V.
• Wide range of appl icat ions: CCTV/ CATV s ystem, Antenna of Television, FM
recei vers, video camera, moni tors, mul t iplexers & Quad processor , VCR. . .et c.

Nomer Telpon: 021-33615826/02188326147/08129396152  
Nomer HP: 08129396152  
Nomer Faks: 021-88372689  
Alamat: Graha Prima Blak CA. No.6 Tambun
Bekasi 17510

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