Jual Personal Dust Monitor Jakarta

Personal Dust Monitor
Hub : Ibu Elena
Phone: 081287586511
Fax : 021-5544863
Email : gumira.glodokmaju@ yahoo.co.id

Personal Dust Monitor Model PDM3600

Thermo Scientific* Personal Dust Monitor Model PDM3600 is engineered for timely, high-quality personal dust exposure information. It protects the health of miners by ensuring that the shift-average respiratory exposure does not exceed regulatory limits. Providing mine workers and management with the tools to personally monitor and reduce their exposure, the PDM3600 is the first line of defense in preventing long-term health effects.

The PDM3600 provides miners with the capability to assess their own exposure in real time, as opposed to the manual method, which could take 2-3 weeks for test results. This permits miners to take actions to minimize exposure during the work shift. The PDM3600 may also be used as a valuable engineering tool to quickly assess the impact of changes in engineering controls. Using the shortened average period, the effectiveness of these ventilation changes can be quickly evaluated. This is critical to overall dust control as the equipment is repositioned.

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